No Regrets

Friday, June 24, 2011

Portrait retouching

How to do portrait retouching
Most of this was done with curves. You can check your color info palette and it will tell you exactly what kind numbers you have going on. Initially, this shot had a lot of yellow, and a lot of Red. By playing with those channels in curves, you can lower the amounts of those colors so that you get a more even ration. I also added a 'Photo Filter' to this. It's right there in the Adjustment layers palette. You should play around with it some and see what kind of effects you can achieve. While I don't think it's for everyday use, it's still a useful tool.
What took the longest on this shot was cleaning up the straggly hairs that were all over the top of her face. This was done by creating a new layer when all of my color-correction was done, and using a combination of the clone tool and the healing brush. Don't forget, across the top of the information bar, at the top of your workspace, there will be a little drop-down menu that will give you the option of 'Current & Below', 'Current Layer' or 'All Layers'. Personally, since this is one of the last things that I do, I set it to 'Current & Below', that's what works for me.
And also, save save save your work as you go. There's been too many times where I've been almost finished with a piece, and PS has unexpectedly quit. Try to avoid that, cause it really sucks when you have to go back and re-do what you've already done.
I'll try to back to this in more detail soon, let me know if you have any questions, comments or anything at all.
Peace and have a great weekend.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Content Aware Fill

Has anyone been using this? You may not even be aware of it, cause they've been kinda sneaky and hidden it. Well, not really. But anyway, who uses this tool? I've messed about with it a couple of times and it looks like it could be really useful in some situations. Not all, certainly. But for when you need another option and don't want to clone, or heal brush or whatever else you use, give the content aware fill tool a go.
After you make your selection, go to 'Edit', 'Fill', and in the dialog box that comes up where it normally say 'foreground color' or 'background' color, hit the drop-down menu and click on 'content-aware', and away you go.
Happy Photoshopping :)

Extracting Hair!!!!!!

So I have a few methods for extracting hair from a background. Of course, it all depends on the shot as to what method I use, but I was wondering how many other ways are there for extracting hair? Do you use channels, calculations, color range or any of the other many ways to do this?
Personally, I'm a fan of using calculations on a channel. You have a lot of room to play with in this, you can choose which channel, which blending mode to use on it, adjust with curves or levels or whatever you want.
If you haven't used 'calculations' to make a layer mask, give it a shot, maybe it'll work for you. And really, what's the worst that can happen?!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Photoshop Seminar

So, I went to an Adobe 'What's new in Photoshop' seminar yesterday at the Fine Arts Building in downtown Chicago. First of all, that building is just amazing! The architecture is so beautiful, you've really got to see it to believe it. Check it out here:
Anyway, the seminar had about 10 people there of varying knowledge of Photoshop, some of us were very experienced with it, some not so much. I won't say that it was a waste of time, I did learn something new, the 'content fill' tool. Might just give that a shot.
But, I didn't care for how the instructor was working directly on the original background layer by just renaming it 'layer 0'. What if you need to go back to the original? I guess I've just learned to do as little destructive work as possible.
So let me know if you've been to any workshops, seminars, classes etc on Photoshop. What did you get out of it? What would like to see improved? How would you teach the class?

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


2 Face: An experiment with 2 images of the same model. This turned out to be easier than I thought. It was a matter of flipping and turning and blending.

No Regrets

So here is the first image I'd like to share with you. It was made with Adobe Photoshop CS4 and a combination of 2 separate photos and a wonderful texture image I found on
With some careful positioning of the 2 shots, and some fun with the Warp Tool, and an addition of a shadow underneath the models chin, the images married up pretty well. The addition of a texture over the top was just an added bonus and really made this image pop.
Total time was probably about 2 hours, but I never really rush to get through work like this. If you rush, you'll make mistakes.
Leave your thoughts, critiques, praise(this one!), or other comments and I'll make sure I respond.